Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Queens Contest Update!!

Just in case some of you haven't heard, the mum sale was a 100% success! Mady Fisher, Katy Dickey, Amber Dickey, and parents of these awesome kids all got out there and sold their little hearts out Saturday - to the tune of 100 mums sold.  Mady plans to do a fundraiser every month.  The mum sale was the one for October.  November we will have 2.  1st will be a raffle for Spooktacular Bull Bash on 11/5/11  and 2nd is Bake sale at Texas National Banks in both Rusk and Jacksonville.  

The bake sale will be 11/23/11 and most likely, we are prepared to stay as long as the bank will allow us!  We will need baked goods as well as kids to help sell. 

Spooktacular Bull Bash is on 11/5 at LMC and we will be raffling off 2 wall crosses valued at $50 each.  Just a reminder, Mady can not be at Spooktacular because of prior commitments but has secured a booth for us.  So we are asking that the club please step up and commit to helping and be there. (need volunteers to man the table and sell queens and raffle tickets - free admission to bull bash!!)  Monica can be reached at 903/586-9301 (work) until 4:30 and 903/625-1110 (cell)  anytime after that.  If you need to leave a message, please do! We also have 500+ queen's tickets available to sell!  Mady has sold 300 herself but we need more help.  You can check these out from Monica, Tandi or Mady at any time.  please, Please, PLEASE help support Mady and our club!  

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